Ikehu Utility Solutions is a leader in comprehensive utility expense management and billing services. Our focus is providing customized utility solutions for communities nationwide. Our innovative solutions include property management software integration, resident payment processing, in-house collections department, Utility Expense Management (UEM), Vacant Cost Recovery (VCR), and regulatory support.
Ikehu Utility Solutions is dedicated to a sustainable environment through awareness and conservation.
Our Values
Ikehu Utility Solutions is dedicated to the environment by promoting various conservation efforts. Master utility bills sent from providers list national, state, and local conservation programs to encourage users to conserve utilities; if bills are not paid by those who are consuming those utilities, they are unaware of conservation efforts. Ikehu Utility Solutions strives to educate the end-user about conservation efforts and provide tips on how to conserve utilities. “Thinking Green” is both an ethical lifestyle and economical choice.
Water and Waste Water (Sewer)
“Thinking Green” is often related to air pollution and carbon emissions, but freshwater supplies are disappearing all over the world. Did you know only 1% of the earth’s water supply is available for drinking; that is why conservation is essential. As supply falls and demand increases, the cost you pay for water will increase too. Conserving and reducing water usage will decrease the cost of water.
The United States water and infrastructure supply and drainage pipes are aging, as are waste treatment plants. These are requiring costly investments by local utility companies.
Gas and Electric
“Thinking Green” is about developing and creating a lifestyle based on environmentally friendly habits. Creating new habits to help reduce the amount of energy and natural resources you use on a daily, weekly, monthly, and annual basis will save you money. Basic needs include heating, cooling, lighting, and cooling. Each day you use natural gas and electricity to perform daily tasks. Due to the recent increases in price, many households are looking for ways to reduce their monthly cost. By practicing conservation, you can reduce the amount you pay and save on natural gas and electricity. **When possible, use Energy Star appliances, light fixtures, and light bulbs to conserve electricity.
Payment Address
Ikehu Utility Solutions
Payment Department
P.O. Box 86379
San Diego, CA 92138-6229
Corporate Office
Ikehu Utility Solutions
1001 Bishop Street, Suite 2817
Honolulu, Hawaii 96813